The content of the website of Bodegas Binifadet, SL VAT ESB57117376, aims to inform the activities, products and services of Bodegas Binifadet, SL, the offer and provision of them in accordance with its terms and conditions and facilitate the operation to customers.

Bodegas Binifadet, SL, is the owner of the intellectual property rights in the images, texts, designs, animations, or any other content or elements of this website, or has the necessary permits for its use, and therefore, is prohibited Reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

Bodegas Binifadet, SL disclaims liability arising from the misuse of the contents and reserves the right to update them at any time, to eliminate them, limit or prevent access to them, temporarily or permanently.

Bodegas Binifadet, SL does not assume any responsibility for the information contained in third party web pages that can be accessed through links or search engines of the web pages of Bodegas Binifadet, SL The presence of links in the web pages of Bodegas Binifadet, SL is merely informative and in no case supposes suggestion, invitation or recommendation on them.

The products and services that Bodegas Binifadet, SL offers on this website, may be solicited and / or contracted on-line by customers through the use of a system of codes and codes facilitated by the company that allow the unequivocal identification thereof .

Bodegas Binifadet, SL guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data provided by the users and their automated processing in accordance with the legislation on protection of personal data, the Data Protection Clause and the Privacy Policy.


In accordance with the provisions of the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of April 27, 2016 – “RGPD” -, the Organic Law on Data Protection and the regulations that develop it and with this Website Website Data Policy, informs all users of the website that they provide or will provide their personal data by completing any electronic registration form as well as the data that Bodegas Binifadet, SL access as a result of its navigation , Of the consultation, request, contracting of any service-product, or of any transaction or operation carried out through the Web Site of Bodegas Binifadet, SL will be collected in a file whose head is Bodegas Binifadet, SL, will be incorporated in a mixed file Which is duly registered in the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

The consent for the communication of personal data is revocable at any time, although it will not have retroactive effects. If, upon completing your data on the corresponding form, you have indicated your willingness to receive information via e-mail, you also consent to the sending of commercial communications by electronic means as required by the Information Society and Trade Services Act Electronic.

In the event that you provide us with personal data of third parties, declares to have previously informed these people of the content of the data provided, the origin of the data, the existence and purpose of the file containing their data, the recipients of this information, the possibility of exercising The rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, as well as the identification data of Bodegas Binifadet, SL in the terms and conditions established herein. Bodegas Binifadet, SL undertakes to treat its personal data in a completely confidential way, making use of it exclusively for the purposes indicated.

Users, by ticking the box, expressly and freely and unequivocally accept that their personal data is processed by the provider to perform the following purposes:

Commercial advertising communications by e-mail, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, that makes commercial communication possible. These commercial communications will be related to products or services offered by the provider.

In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data. In any case commercial communications will be made by the provider and will be of products and services related to the sector of the provider, such as:

Perform statistical studies.

To process orders, requests or any type of request that is made by the user through any of the forms of contact that are made available to the user on the company’s website.

Forward the newsletter on the website.

The provider expressly informs and guarantees to the users that their personal data will not be transferred to third parties, and that whenever there was to be any kind of transfer of personal data, prior consent would be requested, informed and unequivocal on the part of the holders.

All data requested through the website are mandatory, since they are necessary for the provision of an optimal service to the user. In case all data is not provided, the provider does not guarantee that the information and services provided are fully adjusted to their needs.

The provider guarantees in any case to the user the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, opposition, limitation and, as the case may be, portability or cancellation, in the terms provided in the current legislation. Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, you may exercise your rights by sending an express request, together with a copy of your ID, through the following means:

E-Mail: info@binifadet.com

Fax: +34 971 150 736

Postal Mail: Ses Barraques, s / n. 07710 Sant Lluís, Menorca, I. Balears, Spain.

In the same way, the user can unsubscribe from any of the subscription services provided by clicking on the unsubscribe section of all emails sent by the provider.

Bodegas Binifadet, SL informs you that it has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures that guarantee the security of your personal data and prevent its alteration, loss, treatment and / or unauthorized access, taking into account the status of Technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether arising from human action or from the physical or natural environment.


The provider on his own account or that of a third party contracted for the provision of measurement services, may use cookies when a user browses the website. Cookies are files sent to the browser through a web server in order to record the user’s activities during their browsing time.

The cookies used by the website are only associated with an anonymous user and his computer, and do not provide the personal data of the user.

Through the use of cookies, it is possible that the server where the web is located, recognize the web browser used by the user in order to make navigation easier, for example, allowing access to users who have registered Previously, access to the areas, services, promotions or contests reserved exclusively to them without having to register in each visit. They are also used to measure audience and traffic parameters, monitor progress and number of entries.

The user has the possibility to configure his browser to be warned of the reception of cookies and to prevent its installation in his equipment. Please refer to your browser instructions and manuals for further information.

In order to use the website, it is not necessary for the user to allow the installation of cookies sent by the website, or the third party acting on their behalf, without prejudice to the need for the user to log in as such in each one Of services whose performance requires the previous registration or “login”.

The cookies used in this website have, in any case, temporary nature with the sole purpose of making more effective its subsequent transmission. In no case will the cookies be used to collect personal information.


The website’s servers can automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All this information is registered in a file of activity of the server duly registered that allows the later processing of the data in order to obtain measurements only statistics that allow to know the number of impressions of pages, the number of visits made to the web services, The order of visits, the access point, etc.


The website uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all in order to prevent unauthorized access to the data. To achieve these purposes, the user / client accepts that the provider obtains data for the purposes of the corresponding authentication of the access controls.

Do not request recruitment processes that entail the introduction of high personal data (health, ideology …). If this is the case, these data will always be transmitted through secure communication protocol (https: //), so that no third party has access to the information transmitted electronically.


Return policy

Customers have a withdrawal period of 24 hours from the date of receipt within which the purchase may be revoked and the company will refund the amount paid, being the buyer’s possible bank charges for return. In order to effectively carry out the right of withdrawal, the Customer must send an email to the address info@binifadet.com, indicating their order number and the reason for the cancellation


In case of receiving a defective wine, the company will proceed to its replacement or refund of the amount, steps that will be free for the consumer. The company is responsible for the lack of conformity that manifests itself within 48 hours of delivery

Payment conditions

The customer declares that he has full capacity to make the purchase, being of legal age and in possession of a valid credit or debit card. The Client guarantees and is responsible for the validity of all the data provided on his card.