What are cookies?

Cookies are files that are downloaded to the user´s device when surfing webs that use them. Cookies allow storage and recovery of user patterns of navigation like which websites are visited, for how long, how well does the website perform… Depending on the information they contain they can be used to recognise the user.

What kinds of cookies are there?

There are several types depending on the following criteria:

Based on ownership:

Proprietary cookies: Those belonging to Binifadet.com

3rd Party cookies: Owned by a 3rd party, that will process the information collected.

Based on utility:

Technical cookies/customising cookies: Those that help to improve the service, detect issues, acknowledge the user…

Analysis or commercial cookies: Used to analyse navigation data and offer commercials, generic or customised.

What do you use cookies for?

Cookies are used to offer personalised services, to analyse system performance, detect issues and resolve them as soon as possible. They are also used to measure the usage and activity of the website.

Do you need my consent to implement cookies?

Consent from the user is not needed in order to install technical cookies and those needed to provide a service requested by the user.

For the rest of cookies user consent is needed. In our case we understand that you provide your consent when you are using the site. However you can revoke your consent anytime and deactivate the cookies.

Which cookies is binifadet.com currently using?

Technical cookies: they are necessary to access the website and the different sections of the website correctly.

Analysis cookies: they allow us to understand how you use our website, how to improve it, how each area performs and how many users visit our website. This is anonymous information and we only need it for statistic purposes, held only by binifadet.com (Bodegas Binifadet, S.L.).

The 3rd party analysis tool that we use is Google Analytics developed by Google Inc. You will find 4 cookies from this service. Following the aforementioned categories they are proprietary cookies, session cookies and analysis cookies.

For more information on Google Analytics cookie policy click the link bellow: http://www.google.es/intl/es/analytics/privacyoverview.html

Google Analytics does not retrieve information that allows to identify individual users (such as name or address). The collected data refers to the device used to navigate, navigation path within the website, browser data, visit duration and visit source (this allows us to improve our marketing campaigns).

Bodegas Binifadet can implement the necessary improvements in order to offer our users a better service so they have a seamless navigation experience.

How can I deactivate cookies?

Most of the browsers indicate how to deactivate cookies and can notify you every time a new cookie is received. To control the usage of you information you can configure your browser accordingly.

Please note that if technical cookies are deactivated the performance of the website can be affected.

You can find more information about the different browsers in the following links:

Chrome  http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=es&answer=95647

Explorer  http://windows.microsoft.com/es-es/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9

Firefox  https://support.mozilla.org/t5/How-To/Habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-que-los-sitios-web-utilizan/ta-p/34665

Safari  http://support.apple.com/kb/ph5042